Why are we here?

What am I learning? That everyone is confused because nobody really knows what is going on. None of know why the exact reason we are existing on this planet. We all are just faking it each day like oh yeah this is what I am supposed to do sleep, eat, work, repeat. Basically. Once we get in our own personal routines it feels challenging to break out of that.

So is this our purpose to work, sleep, eat and find some free time to hangout with people in between? There is so much more to life than working but it seems to consume so much of our life.

How as societies can we demand for more free time and less work? Time to celebrate life with friends and families, because who knows how many days left you have. Would you rather spend your last days working or being surrounded by people you love?

Do we really need to work as much as we do? Is working just a distraction on what our purpose really is on this planet? How can we spend more time celebrating this game of life we each get to play? Let’s talk about why we are here on this planet. How can we create a utopian society where we all feel free to live our lives how we want?




Right here, Right now