cheers to fashion

Today I lived my life. I went out and lived my best life if you will. It started with me having the goals to interview someone. Which is now my goal everyday and I really want to take this seriously. With my business @ MRGR Studios lol which is basically at its core sharing peoples stories. Each day I have the goal to interview a new person with the same set of questions.

I had the urge to find a unique bar alone after my therapist seemed to beg me to go out more after our last session. So tonight I decided to go explore bars walking down from Chelsea to East Village. After a couple of different versions of a Mezcal margarita later.. I met someone and they loved fashion. Of course they immediately asked if I worked in fashion ( AKA biggest compliment ever because that means you got style). Anyways they were telling me how often mens fashions gets completely over looked. For example the Met Gala , the women are all wearing these extravagant clothing, and the men are wearing terrible clothing.

They then asked me to think about any guy in my circle if they know how to tie a bow tie?

That not just a few men but pretty much all men do indeed not know how to tie a bow tie.

Explaining that most men do not know any of their clothing sizes. Walking around this world without the concept of a tailor. Menswear not being understood, and men are out here thinking that they look good or want to think they look good.

Tom Ford does it best they explained. That their inspiration for their clothing comes from Tom Ford. (That my inspiration for clothing comes from the Olsen Twins.)

Men should care about their fashion more, we as a society should celebrate mens fashion more. Gender in fashion is something as a society that we are still discovering. Gender- neutral fashion is something that I hope that we continue seeing become normalized. Our conversation Kept going back to how fashion is an expression of yourself. & no one can define your style


El arte de la salsa


tattoo artist