back to breathing

Clarity comes from a moment of stepping back and looking at all the progress you have made so far in life. There are a lot of small moments that have lead you to exactly where you are standing now.

I am taking it slow. Realising that I have all the time for whatever I need to do. Often life leaves us in chaos and we are unable to process all the small details that happen throughout the day. Lost in the words of others and the task that we have at hand. Everything can start to feel overwhelming.

It really just goes back to breathing

Seriously that is all we are here to do is to breathe, to be alive. It all feels so simple but why is it so challenging for so many people to do. To mediate, to be here, to be present, whatever you want to call it.

The urgency for tomorrow and the memories of yesterday leave us lost. Confusion of mixed thoughts and mixed emotions.

How can you organize your thoughts?

How can we calm endless loops of things that come to mind?

Breathing keeps us alive and being alive is important. We are all existing on this planet to work together and find a solution to something right? Could this something be the concept of world peace? How can we all live in together in peace? How can we all find peace in our lives?

To be honest I was thinking about my idea for my business today, and it has become quite larger than I have imagined already. The concept of business, yes to promote world peace by sharing the worlds story. I do not really fully understand how I got here. Today I was thinking maybe I should go back to my first idea but I already started...

So I just need to step back and breathe.


What does it mean to be human?

