What does it mean to be human?
Originally my plan was to promote global music, creative people, and now I am at world peace. I know I sound insane for this, but we might only have one life. I do not not know about you guys but I know that I want to promote world peace in my free time.
It is something that I think our generation really has the power to make a reality. It really starts I believe with getting to know people better. Taking time to understand each other’s individual stories. Learning from other people and how they view life.
Because we are all experiencing a very much complicated life. There are so many layers that make up our life. We have careers, family, friends, the place we live, our goals, and more.
We have so much power to create whatever we want our life to look like. Why do we feel restricted so often though? Money comes back to be the reason for so many choices that we do make.
Is working apart of living?
Where do we go to feel most human?
What does it mean to be human?
How can we all figure out how to live our dream lives?
how much control over our lives do we really have?
Constantly I am learning and growing. In a sense I guess that is what it means to be human. To live this life where you continue to evolve and grow. Time is happening endlessly the person that we are today is who we are tomorrow and who we were yesterday. All these elements and different concepts that make us the human that we are currently.