Running towards fear
Running towards the fear because that’s what I have heard to do
What scares me? Honestly going up to people and asking them if they want to be interviewed
I would not say it totally frightens me I just am confused sometimes how I ended up here. My goal to share the worlds story by the interviewing as many people as possible. To be honest I do need to push myself more if I want this to go anywhere.
Why am I doing this? Because I think this could be an incredible opportunity to promote world peace.
How am I going to promote world peace? Through asking people questions in interview, such as how would you change the world?
Promoting it by continuing to ask people their thoughts on World Peace, can we get enough people talking about it? Because honestly telling people that I want to promote World Peace scares me at times. Actually a majority of the time, I am scared to admit that I want to be the girl that promotes world peace. Why? Because it honestly sounds insane at times. I am scared of people trying to put my idea down.
These things that scare me though, I believe are going to be the very things that set me free. Creating everyone their own custom music video sharing their story and promoting world peace at the same time. This feels like my mission in life, my sense of purpose if you will. Connecting people and places together to promote bigger ideas such as world peace. Because I think all my life I have been waiting for an idea such as this, and now that I found it , the voice in my head is like, go!! & now I am learning to run towards the fear because
The fear is there to excite you