What inspires me today? I think the idea of traveling. Through portals. Just kidding. But that actually does inspire me.
I love the idea of magic and other worldly concepts. Anything of the idea of fantasy that shows itself in real life. I really find the magic on the difference in how different we all are as humans from one another. On the surface we may seem or feel similar but wow we are so complex. Everyone has their own unique and fascinating story.
I have always loved the quote “Don't judge a man until you've walked two moons in their moccasins.” Because how can you ever fully know another persons experience on life. There are parts to your own story that you can not even access sometimes. Until you are reminded of a memory after hearing or seeing something.
I always thought it would be awesome to step into someone else’s body and experience what they are experiencing? How different do we see the world from one another?
I believe there is a reason we can never fully understand what another person experiences through life. It is the mystery of never knowing what people are really thinking. If we really knew everyone’s exact feelings towards everything and their entire background it would be quite boring.
Boring … because you would not have the intimate time it takes to first getting to know someone. Plus getting to know them more and more over time. Instead of letting your mind wander on what someone really thinks of you. If we knew everything someone was thinking would there still be need for conversation?