World Peace?

At the beginning of me creating my business it was to promote global music and help artist get booked. I absolutely love music but it started turning into me running around NYC thinking I am ~the next big thing~. But in reality I am just in line with the rest of the millions of people that want to see theirselves on stage or television.

At one point, I really believed that I was going to have a show on MTV. The show in my head was include all of my friends and us creating art together. But there was a point I thought I almost got the show. However realistically, MTV had to see me go viral first. Plus if I decided to create a show with them they would own my art.

So I decided to think bigger. Because the one thing about me is that I dream. I have always lived in my dream world keeping reality far away from me. Now though it is a balance between the dreams in my head and my physical reality.

After trying messaging way too many Paramount and MTV producers, I decided I needed to change directions. When I was a kid I always dreamed of the idea of World Peace and now that I am older, I want to continue thinking about this idea.

Our planet is starting to die and the future each day becomes more unknown. I honestly think we continue to focus on the negatives on the world so often we forget about the good. I believe there should be more emphasis on celebrating life and creating memories with friends and family. Why do we not talk about world peace more? How can I promote world peace? If we took the time to hear each other’s stories could we understand each other better?

That is what I want to do with my business, ask the world bigger questions. If I interviewed as many people as possible asking how they would individually change the world, could we come up with a solution?

World peace seems like this almost impossible concept that people living in a different reality think of . But what if enough people come together and start talking about world peace could we find a solution? What if globally as societies we all worked together to help promote a more peaceful world? Because what does world peace really mean? How can we create a more peaceful world? What does world peace mean to you?




The Story