What can we build?

Life does not feel real sometimes. Life just feels like a complicated list of things you do and say throughout the day. Why do we choose to do the things that we do? What I mean is why do we choose certain hobbies, jobs, friends, etc.? Life really is just a projection of you, who you are? There is a reason behind everything you choose goes back to you.

Your world becomes you. The power of our thoughts are actually insane. How you view yourself and this world becomes your reality. Really this is something that I am struggling with right now. Just my confidence in general has been low recent;y./ Breaking out of that has been hard to do. I want to have the confidence to go up to any stranger and introduce myself/. Just feeling genuinely hot in my own body.

Really you are your own video game character am I right? You choose what clothes you wear everyday, what school, job., and anything else you do throughout the day.

We choose different foods to put in our body, different people to hang out with, different people to not talk to, different foods not to eat. Alll of a sudden we beca=one this complex character that views life in a certain way that nobody can began to understand or explain. We are the creators of our own reality. Everything that we experience goes back to ourself and our choices and desires.

Loving yourself is loving your reality. Choosing to live a reality that you curate and customize to fit your needs and desires. Surrounding yourself around things that you love doing in whatever that looks like . Investing in you and learning from the people that you encounter through out your day. Why does this all happen? Why do we look at life so negatively. Where can we find places in our lives where we feel alive? How do we break out of the routine and live freely?

How can we create our dream realities, how do we break out of government and societal pressures. ? Creating societies that allow us to be independent to choose how ever we want to live our lives? What can we build to bring us all individual peace?


the bad for the good


Am I psychic?